Map Your Content Year Workshop

Get live support and dedicated time to plan out a full year of content. You’ll get the tools for mapping success, live Q&A, and a process you can use again and again!

Click to Register Now!


What: Content Planning Workshop (Zoom)

When: November 9, 2023, 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM (two 90-minute sessions with a short break in between)

Cost: $150


Why is content planning so hard?

As busy consultants, we know we should be sharing our knowledge, point of view, stories, and values with potential clients.

But finding the time and space to sit down and write is hard. The idea hose gets clogged. Negative self-talk can take over. And before you know it, you’ve read four articles on Medium but haven’t scribbled a word.

Click to Register Now!

Share your ideas, attract the right clients, and build your authority in 2024. Join us to map your content.

Start 2024 confident about your content

What you’ll walk away with

  1. 3 content “buckets” to help you share your expertise while staying focused
  2. 5 themes that make it easy to connect with your audience and highlight your services
  3. 100+ client-centered question prompts to get the juices flowing

Plan a Year’s Worth of Content

⬇️  November 9, 2023 at 12 Noon ET ⬇️